
Does this sound familiar?…

You try to build your own site…I mean, how hard can it be? Time passes… You hire your friend’s son and he just didn’t understand your aesthetics or target market. It ends up being a site that makes you feel unprofessional and embarrassed.

We get it!

So many people feel like that and can’t afford to pay for a custom website. If that’s you, we have solved that problem! We created a low-cost simple package for people just like you. This package is a great starting place for anyone who needs a basic site as soon as possible. It’s perfect for:

small businesses, coaches, actors, performers, therapists, students, non-profits...


You could spend weeks or months frustrated trying to figure out Squarespace (worse yet, Wordpress!) OR, we can build you a beautiful clean site! No more shame when someone asks about your website.


What does a simple site include?

Home page - This is where you introduce your product or service.

About page - The about page shares your message and values, and how your business can serve your customers.

Services page - This page shares the details, pricing, and what your customers should do next.

Contact page - We will build a form that sends messages to your email.

One PDF upload


Connect domain - the one you purchased from GoDaddy, etc.

Perfect, right?

“That’s amazing! How much though?”


Open build slots fill quickly!

*Add-ons are not available with SnapLaunch package.


 This is the package for me! What’s next?

Just follow these three steps:

Book your call with the Happy Team.png
Low Cost Website.png
Get a low-cost website.png


We are SO HAPPY you are on-board!

Here’s a peek at the entire build process: